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Devido à pandemia, abrigo tem todos os animais adotados pela primeira vez

A instituição, localizada em Chicago, nos Estados Unidos, informou o feito inédito aos seguidores do Instagram no último dia 7 de abril
22:23 | Abr. 17, 2020
Autor Walber Freitas
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Walber Freitas Repórter
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O abrigo Chicago Animal Care & Control ficou pela primeira vez na história sem nenhum bichinho para adoção. O feito inédito vem após os Estados Unidos, país com mais casos e mortes por Covid-19, adotarem o isolamento social para combater a disseminação do novo coronavírus.

No último dia 7 de abril, a instituição informou que todos os animais encontraram um lar. “Nunca pensamos que diríamos isso e estamos muito felizes em lhes trazer esta notícia”, diz o comunicado no Instagram oficial do abrigo.

Apenas 51 cachorros, seis gatos e dois galos permaneceram no local, porém todos com lares já definidos. Eles continuam na instituição por cuidados veterinários.

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WE ARE OFFICIALLY OUT OF ADOPTABLE ANIMALS But we still need your help! Yep, you read that right, we are out of adoptable animals! It's something we've never thought we'd say...and we're so happy to bring you this news. But, we are still scheduling intake from the public, and our officers are still rescuing animals in the field, so we'll probably have more again in the coming days. In the meantime as of this morning, the shelter was housing 51 dogs 6 cats and 2 roosters The animals currently in the shelter are on hold for various reasons including the stray waiting period, rabies observation, or they are waiting for their owners to pick them up. Most of the rest are available for transfer only as we are not able to vet them for adoption at this time and some need a special foster homes to help prepare them for adoption. We want to thank everyone who stepped up to adopt from Chicago Animal Care and Control over the last few weeks as well as those who are fostering, and to all of our amazing partners for continuing to transfer animals out of the shelter. We have been amazed at the outpouring of people wanting to help during this time. Floppy (pictured here) is just one of the amazing animals still at CACC that is available for transfer. If you want to help dogs currently at CACC, you'll need to apply with a rescue partner and be approved to foster or adopt with them. A list of partners can be found here: We appreciate all the wonderful support from the community. Please keep safe and healthy! P.S. We love seeing updates about our animals! Fosters and adopters post a pic in the comments, please! #RescueintheTimesofCorona #BetterTogether #WeGotThis #flattenthecurvechicago

Uma publicação compartilhada por Chicago Animal Care & Control (@chicagoanimalcare) em


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